Quick Tips for Keeping your Tree Happy and Healthy


The exact number of times to water per week varies by tree and soil type, but a good rule of thumb is to water your tree to a depth of 24 inches. Check moisture levels by placing a long screwdriver or piece of metal in the ground near your tree. You want the screwdriver to go into the soil at least 2 feet. Make sure your tree is well mulched and that the mulch is watered completely through. This prevents water from wicking away and helps hold in moisture.


Refrain from using weed killer, pre-emergence, or ‘weed and feed’ near your trees. These products can kill trees and bees, as well as injure wildlife, pets, and children. 


Landscape plastic and cloth are not environmentally friendly. They inhibit water and oxygen from getting directly down into the soil where the tree roots can access it.


Do not let hard materials such as wire, electrical cord, or rope touch your tree. Use something that gives, such as old pantyhose, and ensure that anything that does touch the tree is loose. Only stake for 1 growing season, and then remove so the roots can get strong.


  • Skye Ontiveros
    I just want to express my gratitude for all you and your team do for the neighborhood. You all are consistently efficient and always so generous, and I am grateful to work with you:) I can't wait to be a part of your greening of ABQ in 2023. Happy New Trees for the New Year!!! 🥳
    Skye Ontiveros



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For over 30 years Tree New Mexico (TNM) has been planting trees in the Land of Enchantment and educating the public on the value and necessity of healthy urban forests.


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